Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fitted for the 40's!

Welcome to the team...

Every new work is more than just choreography, the success of the project largely depends on the coordination of all of the collaborating artists. Costuming is one of the most effective ways to transport an audience into a time period. As our entire New Creation is set in the 1930's-1940's I felt it was necessary to bring in a Costume Designer with a lot of experience in creating characters. This leads me to introducing Marion Talan! Marion is an incredible designer who I met when I attended The Juilliard School, where she currently works designing costumes for dance, opera, and theater. She has worked on many interesting projects as well as with the Merce Cunningham Company. I am very excited to be sharing this project with Marion and her amazing talents.

Playing Dress Up

One of the first steps other than fitting the dancers, was for Marion to throw some dresses on one of our dancers and discuss with me which of the cuts and shapes we like the best. We went into the Juilliard stock and played drew up for a while. Shelby was loving being put into all of the dresses. Not all of them were fit for her obviously, but we were looking still to see patterns and types of dresses. Tell us your thoughts in the comments below! Which one is your favorite? Here are the results: 

(excuse the poor picture quality from my phone)

1 comment:

  1. Top left - nice design but the solid colour compared the the other ones make it seem a lil drab (although that colour looks great on Shelby imo)

    Top Right - this dress def speaks of the era your shotting for..this is the type of dress you could picture any women wearing back then on a day to day basis

    Middle - This is my favorite one by far, this reminds of something a woman would wear to church on sunday or out somewhere. From the necktie to the midrift belt and polka dots...yup

    Bottom - this doesnt strike me as a dress from the era you are shooting for, but thats just me.

    So there is my opinion and thoughts based on my super high degree of fashion knowledge :)

    Looking forward to seeing this all done!!
