Monday, February 18, 2013

Project7: Dust

Subject: Joey Arrigo

Project7 Time: 3.5hrs

Project52 Time: 41hrs

This project turned out to be one of my favorites. I feel like I end up saying that every week, but it's true! They just keep getting better and better! I was worried at first with this one because I didn't have a lot of time to commit to it. I decided to step away from the idea of complex project and just really show the body, much like Project1. And boy did I pick the right body!

Joey Arrigo has been a friend of mine for a while and we were working together this past weekend when I had the idea to use him as the subject for Project7. I rented a studio for two hours on Sunday night and we got to work! I decided to paint Joey's arms and chest in a white dust-like make-up I felt like I wanted to give him an other-worldly physical quality to match his unique movement. I also enjoy the dust created a tired look. I gave Joey some improv ideas based on the image of clouds of dust and small explosions of dust and I got the exact movement I wanted. Overall, we set-up, lit, painted, shot all the footage we needed, and cleaned up in two hours.

Editing this one was pretty difficult, mainly because I had so many beautiful shots I wanted to use but my track was only around 4.5 mins. I wanted it to feel very intimate as well (my favorite moment in the film is at 1:15, and pictured to the left) so I wanted to make sure I included a lot of close-to-body shots to see the intricacies of hist muscles, the dust, and the undulation of his spine. It took me around one and a half hours to edit this bad boy (the film). 

I hope you enjoy! As always let me know your thoughts!

Billy Bell | Artistic Director

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